How Daffodils Can Help Revision

Spring can be such an encouraging time of growth and renewal! With daffodils colouring the ground with bright, banana-yellow petals, and the warming sun finally making it possible to wear t-shirts again, it can feel like everything gets just a little bit easier. 

But those daffodils also signify the end of the Spring Term and the beginning of revision season, a time peppered with slightly less flowers and often a lot more stress. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Actually, the very fact that exam season takes place in the middle of spring can be a huge advantage! 

We have SO many resources and tips for how to manage exam season stress, but today’s advice is a little bit different. 

Today’s tip for busting that revision-induced anxiety: Pause your studying (for a bit!) and get outside!

Numerous studies conducted throughout the UK have shown that spending time in green spaces is linked to improved life satisfaction, reduced anxiety, and increased happiness. This in turn can lead to better brain function and a sense of clarity and peace even in difficult circumstances ie resilience. A government survey went so far as to say:

‘people who spend at least 120 minutes in nature a week are significantly more likely to report good health and higher psychological well being than those who don’t visit nature at all during an average week.’

And Mind, a charity devoted to well-being and mental health, list the many benefits of spending time in nature, including:

  • improve your mood
  • reduce feelings of stress or anger
  • help you take time out and feel more relaxed
  • improve your physical health
  • improve your confidence and self-esteem

So, if you start to feel overwhelmed and want a way to destress quickly, try stepping outside, even if just for ten minutes, to absorb all that a warming sun, and green nature has to offer.

For more advice, check out this article on Seven Stress-Busting Tips for Exam Season

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