Three of our wonderful fundraisers tell us a little bit about themselves and why they decided to do some fund raising for Phase…

Ellie Scott - going the distance…
Can you tell me a little about yourself?
I am currently a secondary school music teacher, working in Hitchin. I spent more than 10 years as a youngster singing as a chorister in my church choir and learnt loads of musical skills through that training. Although I don't currently attend a church, the music of faith and worship is really important to me.
I am a keen runner - the attached photo of me looking very cold is when I was waiting for the start of my leg of the Round Norfolk Relay - a race I completed with my running club - North Herts Road Runners - where you run a relay around the border of Norfolk across 24 hours!
What fundraising activities have you done recently for Phase?
Last year, I was “persuaded” to take the charity ballot place gained by Phase for the Virgin Money London Marathon in April 2020. I was busy training & fundraising for the run when lockdown started in March. The in-person London Marathon was initially postponed to October 2020, but this also eventually was cancelled for fun runners and it has now been rescheduled to October 2021. So, I have pledged to find an alternative race as soon as running events are allowed to take place again. (Ellie has already raised over £700 in the build-up to the two cancelled events - Ed)
Are you involved with Phase in any other ways?
As a teacher in Hitchin, Phase are a big part of our school - they deliver assemblies and citizenship lessons and have been in school to support us through ups and downs. I think the work they do is invaluable to us, which is why I wanted to do some fundraising to support their work.

Daniel Edwards - the dare devil!
Can you tell me a little about yourself?
I currently work for Royal Mail as a Postman a position I have held since 1995. I attend Tilehouse Street Baptist Church under normal circumstances. I enjoy walking and hiking around the beautiful countryside in the UK and am a keen supporter of Arsenal FC. (oh well we all have our issues! - ed…)
What fundraising activities have you done for Phase?
I have been involved with fundraising for Phase over many years helping the team with larger community events, which as well as raising money, also raises awareness about their work.
A few years ago, I was reminiscing with a friend about my time in New Zealand where I was able to go White Water Rafting, try a Tandem Skydive and Abseil near to the Waitomo caves on the North Island. My long-distance running days are a little curtailed these days but with my New Zealand Adventure in mind I decided to do a high adventure personal fundraiser for Phase. So, in May last year I abseiled off the top of the Arcelor Mittal sculpture in the grounds of the Olympic Park venue in London! I was able to raise just over £500, and I had a great time as well!
Are you involved in supporting Phase in any other ways?
At Tilehouse Street BC I have been the Phase Rep for the last 8-9 years, helping our church friends to keep up to date with Phase activities, fundraising initiatives and successes. I also attend Phase social events & the annual end of school year BBQ where it is good to see other Phase Reps and volunteers!

Sue Covington - jack of all trades!
Can you tell me a little about yourself?
I have been retired from teaching for 12 years now but am still involved with young people’s activities. I will soon retire from Rainbows but am on the Mother and Toddler committee at Christchurch where I worship as regularly as allowed and help with the Beginners (3-5years).
What fundraising activities have you done recently for Phase?
My husband and I are regular supporters of Phase, but I decided to fundraise too after an appeal by Tim Rajan. The cake sale and unwanted gifts stall take place on the first Saturday in March each year, usually raising £200-£300. As part of the Christchurch ECO group, we started collecting crisp packets and bread bags to send to Terracycle. Our ability to do this at church has sadly finished, but a bit of money was raised, and a lot of rubbish saved from landfill.
This autumn, after a very productive summer in the garden, my husband and I decided to trade 40 jars of jam and chutney for generous donations to Phase and raised £150 with another £100 donated online. We were amazed by people’s generosity!
Are you involved with Phase in any other ways?
I have been interested in Phase from the beginning (since 2002) and can remember Chris Baker, the first part time school’s worker. I was at Kieran’s first Churches Together meeting; I think that was where and when he met Claire! (now his wife). I have been involved with Time Trek (half term holiday club) for some years as a group leader although I feel the time has come for me to retire from that now. Although I can Zoom, it’s the face to face interaction that appeals to me.
I was asked three or four years ago to become a Phase rep for Christchurch because I was often in the building and could update the prayer diaries. I used to be a Forum (Hitchin youth & children’s workers) member (still get the emails so I know what is going on!) and have always encouraged and supported the Phase team. I also join their termly one day retreats when possible.
We are always so grateful to all those who support us in any way. If you would like to do a Fundraising activity for Phase or become a regular supporter (Phase Partner) please get in touch by emailing
Amanda Maylin
Office Manager
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