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Viewing blogs by tag: questions

Mentoring; a space to grow

Kieran Murphy | 15th November 2019

What do you do if you don’t know how to do something, say some DIY? Perhaps you would look for some videos on Youtube, read some articles or even call a friend you know who has the knowledge you need. In a small way this is you being mentored. The dictionary defines it as - Mentor: a wise and trusted counsellor or teacher; an influential senior sp

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Start how you mean to go on

Kieran Murphy | 6th September 2019

New school year, new start. A new start to me often feels like starting a new exercise book when I was at school, where I would promise to myself to keep this one neat, clean and tidy. Sadly it was something that I rarely managed. But I’m old and wiser (or at least I like to think so!). So how do we start the way we mean to go? How do we move from

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What to blog about?

Kieran Murphy | 12th August 2016

At Phase we are passionate about seeing people's wellbeing and resilience grow, understanding of mental health increase and people living life in all its fullness. As we come into this new academic year, we want to know what you would like to see on our blog! What subjects and issues you would like us to cover and share about so that we can help y

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Relationships workshops

Paul Harris | 1st June 2016

Recently we delivered workshops about Relationships in Hitchin Boys' School as part of the schools sex education course with year 9. The workshop starts by defining what relationships are, thinking about all the different relationships we have around us. We then move on to think about more intimate relationships. Thinking about what we look for in

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Day 2 - Frozen

Kieran Murphy | 29th July 2015

Day 2 has been and what a day it was! Over the week each day is based upon a different animated film; day 1 was Finding Nemo, today was Frozen! If you have not heard of Frozen, you have probably heard the main song - Let it go! Today was full of various games and activities, along with a lot of water and snowman building! The Dragons mixing their

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