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Recharge Your Mind

Kieran Murphy | 19th July 2024

The Crucial Role of Rest in Mental WellbeingThis blog post is focusing on a topic that’s becoming increasingly crucial in our high-speed world: the importance of rest for mental wellbeing. As we juggle multiple responsibilities, understanding and embracing the value of downtime can profoundly impact our mental health and productivity.Why Rest Matte

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Stress-Busting Tips for Exams

Kieran Murphy | 22nd April 2024

As exam season approaches, feeling a bit anxious is completely normal. But fear not! It’s not just about hitting the books harder—it's about hitting them smarter. Let’s explore some top-notch strategies to manage your stress, maximise your study time, and smash those deadlines.Understand the EndgameBefore you even open your textbook or revision not

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Work with us

Kieran Murphy | 5th March 2024

We are currently recruiting to expand our team, see below for more information, how to apply and key dates.Early Interventions LeadWe are looking for an exceptional individual to help us extend our programmes and support to young lives with a key focus on primary schools as well as delivering to secondary schools. Could this be the right next step

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Empowering Young Minds: Setting Expectations for Success

Kieran Murphy | 1st March 2024

For the past two weeks I have had the privilege of working with nearly 70 6th form students as we've delivered a project to over 450 primary children equipping them to manage their emotions. I had high expectations of these sixth formers, they not only met these, but exceeded them. This got me thinking: A small sapling planted in fertile soil.

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Meet Martha, trustee

Kieran Murphy | 26th February 2024

Hi, I’m Martha and I have recently become one of the trustees at Phase. I’m currently the leader of The Hub Church in Hitchin (where Phase is based) which is an Anglican ‘fresh expression’ of church. This means that we’re like a traditional church but look and feel a bit different. When I’m not being a vicar, I love to get outdoors with my dog and

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Project Hope: Doubling the Impact this December

Kieran Murphy | 24th November 2023

This December, brace yourself for an incredible opportunity to make a lasting impact! Project Hope, our matched giving campaign, is back, and it's all set to double your generosity. Thanks to the unwavering support of our gracious funders, every pound you donate to Project Hope in December will be matched, effectively doubling your contribution. Th

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Recharge Your Energy: Essential Tips for Quality Rest

Kieran Murphy | 2nd November 2023

Life as a whether young or old can be a whirlwind of responsibilities, deadlines, and social commitments. In the midst of it all, it's easy to forget the importance of rest. But getting quality rest is crucial for your physical and mental wellbeing. Here are 10 simple tips to help you rest well and recharge.Set a Consistent Sleep ScheduleYour body

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Conquer Mount Everest for a Cause

Kieran Murphy | 20th May 2023

Join Us in an Epic Challenge!"Over the past few years, we have embarked on extraordinary endeavors to make a difference, raise funds, and create awareness for the impactful work of Phase. And guess what? This year is no exception!On Friday, June 9th, starting at 10 am and continuing until Saturday, June 10th, 10 am, I, along with you (hopefully!),

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Kieran Murphy | 10th December 2022

As we make our way through Advent, I wanted to share a few thoughts on what I see as the joy of this special time as a seasonof wating.The joy of Advent is a time of anticipation and preparation leading up to the celebration of Christmas. It is a time for many Christians like myself to reflect on the coming of Jesus into the world, and to prepare o

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Project Hope

Kieran Murphy | 28th November 2022

This December sees our matched giving campaign Project Hope happening again. Through the very generous support of our funders, we are able to see every donation to Project Hope in December doubled! That's right, every £1 donated gets doubled up to £5000 - so we can raise £10,000 in total!What is Project Hope for? Over the past few years we have slo

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Kieran Murphy | 16th September 2022

You may well be shocked to realise that Phase has been working with children and young people for 20 years! A truly amazing and fantastic feat, yet it doesn't stop there, we want to do even more to help young lives thrive, and that's where you come in!Over this year we are aiming to raise £20,000 which will enable Phase to expand our team, reach mo

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The struggle is real

Kieran Murphy | 18th February 2022

A recent BBC News article reported a huge rise in severe mental health difficulties in children and young people in the past year, sadly this is a statistic that is very true and close to home.Over the past year we have seen an increase in the number of children and young people needing support through mentoring. Thankfully for many this has provid

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Youth Chaplain for the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire

Kieran Murphy | 3rd November 2021

This year I have been given the honour of being the Youth Chaplain to the High Sheriff of Hertfordshire, not only is the first time this has happened in Herts, but it is the first time in the history of the Shrievalty, which is over 1000 years old. You can read a recent article in Hitchin Nub News about it.With being the first person to take on thi

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Flip Connect supporting Phase

Kieran Murphy | 30th July 2021

The Flip Connect teamFlip Connect employees were invited to nominate a charity close to their hearts and chose PhaseMany of Flip employees are parents and know all too well the pressures that young people are under in society today. Ben from Flip Connect said 'We all think that Phase does a phenomenal job with the young people of Hitchin. They are

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Kieran Murphy | 18th June 2021

In a recent Ofsted survey it was highlighted that teenage girls were asked for nudes by up to 11 boys a night. The impact of pornography on young people is a silent pandemic that has been spreading for years.The rise of social media channels where images can be shared for a limited time, the increased amount of free to access pornography straight f

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