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Viewing blogs by tag: god

Exam Season

Rebekah K Bacon | 20th May 2019

Oh no. It’s everyone’s least favourite season of the year, back again to torment us. I am yet to meet someone who enjoys the thrill of going into an exam hall and trying to get down all their knowledge and understanding of a subject in 1-2 hours. Yet for me, equally as bad is coming out to find your friends discussing answers and realising what yo

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Celebration service

Kieran Murphy | 19th August 2016

On Sunday 2nd October 6:30pm we will be holding our annual celebration at Walsworth Road Baptist Church and we would love you to join us! It will be a fun packed hour hearing about the great achievements of Phase from last year, exciting plans for the coming 12 months and a chance to meet the new team members! No need to book or rsvp, just feel fr

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