Run, they say? It will be fun! This coming Sunday 5 of us will be running the Vitality Big Half in order to raise money for Phase. Right now I am definitley feeling a mixture of emotions, ranging from excitment to terrified!!
But why are we doing this...?
Because we want to see change, we are passionate about helping young people thrive, to not be held back by anxiety, or fear but be able to reach their full potential and be the best versions of themselves, the young people they were created to be. We want to be able to support the work of phase which happens here in Hitchin.
Personally, if you had told me 3 years ago that on Sunday, I would be running a half marathon I would not have believed you. Over the past few years, I have built up my running experience from couch to 5k, to 10k to now a half marathon! At Phase we are passionate about promoting wellbeing and resilience. I often find that we draw on our own experience, especially when it comes to resilience to be able to help young people. During the training, over the past few days and on the day itself, I know I will definitely have to be resilient!
Looking after our own wellbeing is so important and there is much evidence to suggest that exercise helps not only our physical wellbeing but also our mental wellbeing. Whilst training I have definitely found that to be the case, as much as there have been times I would have loved to have stayed on the sofa, after going out for the run I have felt so much better, it has provided an opportunity to process, to pray, to have some time to reflect and to take some time out!
If you want to support the work of Phase – please do sponsor! https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?pageId=1132615#stickyAnchor
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