We have lived through a week that will define a generation. The COVID-19 crisis has turned the world upside down for all, but mostly for our children and young people.
As the dust settles and we come to terms with the likelihood of schools being closed until September, with the need for social distancing increasing, we are left with the question how do we love, care and support young lives when we cannot physically contact as a community?
This is the question youth workers like me and organisations like Phase are asking. As a team we are working extremely hard to create and design our programme to be delivered virtually, developing resources that young people can use at home, information for parents and carers and getting everything into place to deliver mentoring and group support online.
Phase’s commitment and passion to make a positive difference to young lives across our town has not changed even though the landscape we all work in has.
We will keep posting a variety of things to help young lives and families over the coming months, here is a little challenge we are encouraging people to try while we are staying safe at home, what will you do?
During these difficult times I’m taking on a challenge to learn something new. Why not join me. Updates to follow #StayAtHomeChallenge #Covid_19 #hitchin pic.twitter.com/ChOtKPbd1K
— Phase Hitchin (@PhaseHitchin) March 20, 2020
If you know a young person who needs any support of help, contact us at support@phase-hitchin.org Follow us on social media for more ways on how we make a positive change in this difficult time Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
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