Farewell Thoughts


I have had the amazing privilege of working with Phase for the past 4 years, but now it is time for me to move on and to make way for the next adventure for both Phase and for me.

I joined Phase at a really exciting time as we were dreaming up and creating a new vision, all with a focus on this word Wellbeing. The opportunities and growth of the charity since then has been incredible to be part of, but one of the things that I really love about Phase is that through all the changes and growth it always remains true to its core values and I admire that a lot. I will be excited to follow what happens next on the Phase journey, as I settle into a new way of life with my family in our new home.

I am taking with me some amazing memories and so much that I have learned. Phase sets out to change the lives of young people in Hitchin, but I think that Phase has made a huge difference to my life as well. So, I owe a huge thank you to Phase and all of the people who have supported me over the past few years.

If you have been keeping up with our Wellbeing Challenges you would know that December’s challenge has been to dance every single day. This has been surprisingly easy for me with a toddler in this house who demands that I dance and sing every day, and I think it’s the perfect positive way to celebrate and end my time with Phase

(closing with some impressive dance moves and taking a bow)

Chevron pointing upwards