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Viewing blogs by tag: getting-started

The tricky art of elephant eating

Elizabeth Feltoe | 1st February 2020

Did you notice this new year that lots of people were talking about their ‘goals’ rather than their ‘new year’s resolutions’? It might just be the circle of friends I have or the people that I see on Instagram, but it felt like a shift to me. I think it’s good – a new year’s resolution is something that could sound like (not always) “I will stop do

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Get going!...

Elizabeth Feltoe | 20th September 2019

I have my lovely Dad to thank for my love of being active. Sunday afternoons were designated as Family Activity (known as FA!) time when we would tramp round the chilly Derbyshire countryside, visit a National Trust property or be forced to mow the lawn or cut hedges. At the time, as a reluctant teenager, I didn’t always relish the prospect and was

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Start how you mean to go on

Kieran Murphy | 6th September 2019

New school year, new start. A new start to me often feels like starting a new exercise book when I was at school, where I would promise to myself to keep this one neat, clean and tidy. Sadly it was something that I rarely managed. But I’m old and wiser (or at least I like to think so!). So how do we start the way we mean to go? How do we move from

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Turning your dreams into reality

Sasha Austin-Seade | 28th September 2018

While you’re reading this I’m probably enjoying the sun in a Ghana getting ready to be a bridesmaid for my sister's wedding. This month’s challenge has been all about making steps towards doing something you’ve always wanted or maybe only ever dreamed of. We often feel like we’ll never achieve our dreams or that they are the stuff that fairy tales

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Talking to someone who struggles with self-harm

Bethany Murray | 22nd June 2016

Earlier this year, Phase was asked to write something about what are some helpful things to say to a young person struggling with self-harm. I’ve spent some time putting together a list of some common things people may say, why they might not be so helpful and what people could say instead. "Promise me you won't do it again" Self-harm is

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Welcome to Ghost

Kieran Murphy | 7th January 2015

You're live! Nice. We've put together a little post to introduce you to the Ghost editor and get you started. You can manage your content by signing in to the admin area at <your blog URL>/ghost/. When you arrive, you can select this post from a list on the left and see a preview of it on the right. Click the little pencil icon at the top of

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