Amy's work experience

Often Phase are asked if we can accommodate young people on work experience. In July Amy joined the team for the final week of the summer term, here are her thoughts on a week with the Phase team....

In July I enjoyed a week of work experience with Phase, I learnt about the amazing work they do behind the scenes as well as in schools. I had the opportunity to join the team leading a year 6 leaver’s service, listen to discussions on youth projects around North Hertfordshire and help take photos for the website. I was also able to help with preparation for next term’s activities, in addition to contributing to a meeting on holiday club ideas.

One day we went with Scooby to a meeting in St Albans where Phase presented the work they do and I had the chance to speak to people from different parts of Hertfordshire about Phase, what they do and the positive impact they have had on our community.

My week also included eating cake and making stress balls, an interesting experience especially when orbeez flew all over the office whilst the team were working!

Furthermore, I have learnt more about wellbeing and its importance, particularly in young people, something that I am interested in for further studies at university.

The Phase team was very welcoming and made my time with them really enjoyable. I am very grateful for the opportunity that I was given and would definitely recommend spending time gaining work experience here.

Thank you to all of the Phase team. Amy ;)

If you are interested in doing something similar to Amy, then please contact the office and we will see what we can do.

Chevron pointing upwards