Getting FIT

Getting FIT!

As we begin a new year, often people set out new years resolutions that contain plans to get fit and healthy, re-balance life and have life style changes. These are great ideas, however, by mid-January many of us can feel depleted and disengaged as our hope of attending the gym 18 times a week has not quite happened, so we fall back into old habits.

In this post I want us to think about three key things to help all of us to improve our health and fitness. There is no rocket science to this, just some very simple tips and ideas that can have a huge positive impact upon you.

As we begin it is worth me settling out a few things, firstly I am not a personal trainer, nutritionist or a professional athlete (I still dream!), I am just someone who is passionate about sport, exercise and people taking proactive steps in looking after their physical wellbeing as this has a huge impact on mental and emotional wellbeing.

Here are my three simple thoughts on how to improve our health and fitness:




For anything to have a real impact we must do it more than once therefore anything that is going to improve our health and fitness must be regular.


A good rule of thumb is to do something 3-5 times a week for at least 20-30 minutes. Being active and getting our heart rate up a bit is really good for us, it helps burns of stress, anxiety, calories and also releases a whole bunch of feel-good hormones, so you may finish huffing and puffing but you will also feel good (possibly not straight after ;)

Think about what you would like to achieve and then try to match your goals with what you do. For example, if you would like to lose weight, you could try couch to 5KM, walk over using the bus, car or getting lifts. If you need a bigger incentive, perhaps sign up for a physical challenge such as a 10KM race, Yorkshire Three Peaks or for the crazies – The Hitchin Hard Half!

The simpler you make it to start with, the easier it will be to keep it up. Every little helps as Sainsbury’s say!


Just like making this activity frequent, we also need to intentional about what you do. This means making key choices, decisions and even sacrifices. Once you have decided what you want to do, put it in your diary. They say that if we write something down then we are 70% more likely to do it, so diary time to do something active, plan what you will do and prepare any gear you need so you limit your excuses.

Here's a good article on making more time for fitness

This is the same for food choices. If you are anything like me, when it gets to lunchtime I’m hungry and if i do not have something ready and prepared, then I just want something instantly and it is usually not healthy choices. To avoid this, prepare your lunch the night before, this way you can make good choices and save yourself money, as heading to the shops when you’re hungry means you spend more money!

We can all do with some encourage, some mutual support and some time to hang out with those who bring joy to our lives, so why not get them involved too!
If we have someone keeping us accountable or who we have agreed to do something with then that can be the thing that keeps us on track when our willpower has long since gone!

Whether it is taking up a new activity or starting a new food strategy, why not ask some friends if they would like to join you. Sometimes people are just waiting for an invitation.

Maybe you’ve asked your friends and they have managed to think of an excuse quick enough, there is still hope! There are lots of community groups around that you can join, be active and meet new people, About my Area is a great place to start.

So what do you plan to do? Why not send us a tweet or even send me an email as I love to hear what has been helpful.

Below are a variety of links, apps and other bit of interest. You can follow Phase on Pintrest to see other thoughts and ideas.

Some helpful links:

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