Sleep, Rest & Relaxation

We often take these three words as meaning the same thing and although they can be used together they mean completely different things.

Let’s take a look at their definitions -

Sleep – the natural resting state in which the body is not active and the mind does not think.

Rest – to cease work or movement

Relaxation – the state of being free from tension and anxiety

Immediately we can see that is if we are worried about something and it's continually on our minds then we will be unable to relax or rest and even sleep properly.

Recent reports have been showing that things like our phones and binge watching TV are contributing to a high percentage of sleep problems.
(If you want to know more about how technology is affecting our sleep read this article from the national sleep foundation or take a look at this infograph which gives tips on how you can make some changes).

This month’s Wellbeing Challenge is all about carving out some space for yourself, some time to stop and think and do the things you enjoy.

Here are some resources and ideas that might help



  • Read a book
  • Be out in nature
  • Be on your own
  • Listen to music
  • Do nothing in particular
  • Mindful colouring
  • Have a bath or shower
  • Daydream
  • Watch TV
  • Journal or write


  • Breathing exercises
  • Meditation
  • Massage
  • Brush your hair
  • Find the sun
  • Get organised
  • Exercise – stretch, take a walk, run,
    dance or even swim
  • Go for a long drive

If you're looking for a self-care subscription box have a look at The Independent's 10 best article or if you want a chance at making your own have a look at my article on emotional first aid.

We all need rest, relaxation and sleep especially if we want our bodies and minds to perform at their best. So let's make the space to do it. We'll appreciate it in the long run.

Chevron pointing upwards